JC Chronicles - High above New York City

High Line

The High Line is a former overground track of the Metro that became obsolete due to new tunnels. It was converted into a park, the entire track bed was filled with soil and gravel and landscaped.
High Line

Top of the Rock

$37.50 sounds like a lot of money at first, but it turns out to be money very well spent.
The view you get up there is breathtaking.

View in the direction of Central Park
Rockefeller Central Park - Tag

View towards the Statue of Liberty
Rockefeller Statue of Liberty - Tag

Of course, you probably guessed it, the beautiful Louis took the opportunity to be photographed up there.
Beautiful Louis - Day

Since we were advised to watch the sunset up there, we went up to the seventieth floor an hour before sunset.
One thing we just hadn’t considered was that it was VERY cold.
VERY, VERY cold.

But for these views it was worth it.
Sunset 1
Sunset 2
Sunset 3

Times Square at night

We also didn’t miss Times Square on our last day. With the huge advertising boards, it hardly makes a difference in terms of lighting whether you visit it during the day or at night.
Times Square

The beautiful Louis also had to pose here.
Times Square Louis

Beautiful Louis is merely an alter ego and does not represent any form of the actor’s narcissism. 😅